Strange ‘UFO’ style cloud spotted in San Francisco sky

June 20, 2023 by No Comments

This week has seen some unusual weather across the USA. And speaking of which, San Francisco has had its fair share of bizarre sightings too. As seen in the image below, this strange cloud was spotted hovering in the skies of San Francisco last night and seemed to stay there for hours on end. It was sighted in the evening above McClaran Park, and the photographer claimed it reminded them of the film ‘Nope’ which features a similar-shaped UFO.

Interestingly, the same cloud was also photographed by someone else from a different angle. The prominent ‘curve’ in the middle was still visible despite being snapped from afar.

Sadly for UFO enthusiasts though, this isn’t anything paranormal. Instead, it’s called a lenticular cloud. These are known to sit rather than move and are more likely to form in areas where stable atmospheric conditions prevail, such as when there are consistent wind patterns interacting with the topography. However, even in suitable locations, lenticular clouds may not appear frequently.

They require a combination of specific factors, including the right moisture content, wind speed, and temperature profiles, to form. As a result, despite being perfectly natural, they’re still pretty rare and only occur in certain parts of the world…including San Francisco. In other words, enjoy this while you can as it won’t last forever, and the chances are that you won’t see another one for quite some time.