Stunning Fireflies image captures Iowa summer nights perfectly

June 25, 2023 by No Comments

Photographed in Sioux County, this image perfectly captured the atmosphere of a summer’s evening in Iowa. Here, the skies and ground were both lit up by a horde of fireflies. Overall, the orange glow contrasted perfectly against the blue backdrop of the night sky.

In fact, this is a good advertisement for Sioux County which is particularly beautiful at this time of year and has a number of stunning prairies and nature spots to witness summer acts of wildlife magnificence.

According to some, the local firefly population has been more prominent this year, and with images like this – it looks like this theory may be correct.

Interestingly, fireflies also live up to two months, which means that with summer just on our doorstep, it seems as though there will be plenty more sights to brighten up your mood (get it?). Funnily enough though, Iowa isn’t even that well known for its firefly population.

As seen in the map above, it’s typically the more southern states that have bigger firefly populations which makes sense when you think about factors such as the weather. Nonetheless, it’s definitely firefly season here in Iowa so if you’re out and about then get your camera at the ready! If you have any pictures of fireflies in the Iowa state then send them in and we may just feature them.