STUNNING Pitbull-Shepherd up for adoption due to HEARTLESS landlord

May 21, 2023 by 10 Comments

Found on Craigslist, this beautiful 3 year old Pitbull-Shepherd mix is sadly up for adoption, with the owner claiming they’d rather give him away rather than put their beloved pooch in a shelter. Named Moody Blues, this dog has a lovely, almost blue coat which is probably where the name comes from. As seen below, he is truly stunning as well.

Not only is this dog good looking, but he’s also according to the owner, “He is perfectly house trained, and is good being left at home while I’m at work. He loves to run and be active, and is super playful with his toys, and loves bones. He is very well-mannered and knows all the basics: sit, lay down, stay, come, off, and shake. He’s big into cuddle time and is very sweet.”

So, this begs the question why this lovable dog is being put up for adoption? Well, it turns out that it’s due to the landlord who isn’t a fan. Further on in the listing, the owner wrote, “Unfortunately, he doesn’t get along with my landlords. I live in a basement apartment and they live upstairs. They don’t like pitbulls and they’re asking me to find a new home for him.”

Located near the Rose City golf course in Portland, this lovely boy would make a great pet for an individual or family – and genuinely sounds like a sweet soul. So, if you’re after a new pet then perhaps he’s worth a consideration.

10 Replies to “STUNNING Pitbull-Shepherd up for adoption due to HEARTLESS landlord”

  1. Melody says:

    I’m really sorry this has happened to you and your dog.
    YOUR landlord is a heartless person, tell him you’ll give him a 500.00 deposit try everything you can. I don’t want you to lose your dog. Maybe you could get some to foster him till you could find another place. I could not give my dogsvup.

    1. Mark says:

      Make the dog a ESA Animal then landlord would be breaking the law
      Emotional Support Animal
      Are excluded and owner can’t be evicted

  2. Melody says:

    Reach out to a rescue explsin your situation thst you don’t want to lose your dog you have to find another place to live. Their our people that care. You don’t have any friends or family that could help you. I don’t want you to lose your handsome dog.

  3. Vin says:

    HEARTLESS, not the landlord, the tenant is.
    Did the tenant ask permission?
    It is the tenant who adopted the dog,a dog who put thier trust and love to into that person.
    Now that person is dumping the dog because they are more happy living without the dog rather than give up thier apartment.
    That dog trust them and they broke that trust for thier selfishness.
    And you blame the landlord!

    1. Pat says:

      Can see your an animal lover.

  4. Loretta Bell says:

    If u get ur dog registered as a service dog they cannot make u getrid of ur dog…better to do that than give him away

    1. Julie says:

      Yes Loretta so true! My daughter registered her Pitbull as a service dog/emotional support dog so she was able to keep her in an apartment

  5. Adeline Castro says:

    Please let me know if you’re interested in giving him to ke

    1. Terry Spirer says:

      If it was financially possible I’d move. But I understand that might not be possible to do. I hope you find a way to keep him or find him a great home

  6. Jackie says:

    I would gladly take you dog,he would be well taken care of and would have a dog friend and a fenced yard.