STUNNING Rainbow sunset lights up Albuquerque skies

June 23, 2023 by No Comments

Depending on who you ask, New Mexico has the best sunsets in the United States. And last night certainly helped solidify that claim due to a simply beautiful rainbow sunset that showed just how stunning the nature in Albuquerque can be at times. In fact, when compared to certain other states such as Hawaii and Montana, you could claim that Albuquerque is criminally underrated when it comes to appreciating its natural features.

The below photo was taken in the evening and captured the wonderful combination of blue and red clouds, mixed in with a rainbow in the distance. We’re not sure exactly what kind of chemistry has to occur for this kind of thing to happen.

One local was so in awe of the sunset that they wrote, “It’s like a different desert Aurora Borealis for us almost every night.” And, although this may sound a touch dramatic, there’s actually some truth in the statement. Where else in the US can you get such striking skies on a consistent basis?

This visual phenomenon was taken by multiple people across the city and even by Albuquerque standards, it looked special. Sadly, this rainbow and sky formation has since passed. However, locals can still hope for something similar in the upcoming days as the weather continues to show its wilder side.