Tampa Atomic Tattoos accused of employing white supremacist tattoo artist

June 23, 2023 by 4 Comments

Over the years, Atomic Tattoos has built a solid reputation within the local Tampa community. For most people, this is just like any other regular tattoo parlor where you go to get inked. However, a recent investigation on social media discovered something quite unsettling regarding one of the staff members – which resulted in people calling him a Nazi and white supremacist.

Here’s what we know. One of the newer tattoo artists is named Jeff McManus who claims to work for Atomic Tattoos in his Instagram bio. Although it’s a private account, suspiciously, his picture is of a skull and crossbones, which is synonymous with Nazi ideology. This was actually called the ‘Totenkopf’ during the reign of Nazi Germany. For privacy reasons, we have blocked out his handle, but you can see it for yourself below.

After some digging, it turns out that McManus previously did an interview with a skinhead website called Nasdat magazine that dates back to 2003. Here, he references his love for rock bands such as ‘Nordic Thunder’ and ‘Skrewdriver’. Both of these bands are listed as Neo-Nazi groups and if you listen to their music, then you will see why.

Unsurprisingly, Tampa locals weren’t happy about this. Now, you may think that this was an old interview which is true – but if you look at his Instagram account – it doesn’t bode well. Whether Atomic Tattoos are aware of his beliefs is unknown at this point. Having said this, it would be interesting to hear from them in light of these recent findings.

4 Replies to “Tampa Atomic Tattoos accused of employing white supremacist tattoo artist”

  1. William Howard says:

    It’s bigger than that.
    You can’t ask questions out in the open.

    1. Barbara Bauer says:

      I’m not racist. I support his rights not him personally. Last I checked this is America not Russia.

  2. david keith says:

    Last I checked this is still America and he has a right to his own beliefs his own religion and his own thoughts. It’s none of your business as long as she’s not portraying it on to customers leave the guy alone.

    1. Derrick Doss says:

      Looks like the tattoo guy isn’t the only racists, obviously you support him.