TERRIBLE Orlando driver rams into other cars – “It could have been fatal”

June 21, 2023 by 1 Comment

This video was captured a few days ago and took place at 8.50AM on Vineland Road, Orlando. Here, a massively impatient driver constantly tries to overtake other cars before eventually finding enough space to get even with them. At this point, you’d expect them to speed off into the distance. However, before doing this, they purposely ram into the side of the adjacent car, forcing them into the car in the far right lane. After this, the suspect then drives off – and at this point, the damage has been done.

Thankfully, it looks as though no one was hurt. However, this could have potentially caused a pile-up and undoubtedly would have left the innocent drivers shaken up. As seen in the video, you can also see bits of debris fly off the cars, which will cost hundreds to repair. Sadly, the aggressor’s car looks to come away relatively unscathed, which is made even worse due to the size of their car, which is a large SUV.

Thankfully, the dashcam footage captures the license plate of the aggressor – however, in a sad twist, the person who caught the footage wrote this, “I called the police and they said they weren’t interested in the video because Florida is a no fault state. They said I could submit it online as a “tip” which I did but they said they would only look at it if the person who got hit opens a case.”

In other words, there’s a strong chance that the suspect gets away with this if they’re not reported by the victims. This drew criticism from others who claimed that the police should be investigating this, as it was highly immoral, whilst also very dangerous. If nothing else, this is a timely reminder to always stay vigilant on the roads, as sadly there are a lot of bad drivers out there who don’t care about others.

One Reply to “TERRIBLE Orlando driver rams into other cars – “It could have been fatal””

  1. Dave says:

    I’m not surprised that Florida law enforcement doesn’t want to do anything. That seems to be standard SOP for most of Florida law enforcement. As far as I’ve seen in the last 26 years I’ve lived here they do as little as possible period and in my opinion are some of the worst law enforcement in the country. (Sheriff Gray Judd being and exception to the norm.)