“That can’t be legal” – Super Overloaded truck sighted on Phoenix Freeway

June 24, 2023 by 21 Comments

Sometimes, people may overload their truck a little when transporting goods or property from place to place. However, in a picture that was taken near Priest Drive on the Phoenix Freeway, the truck in question was ridiculously overloaded within an inch of falling over. In short, it looked as though it was something from a cartoon and looked incredibly dangerous.

Here, there seemed to be a few couches, a ladder, and multiple chairs. This was all precariously strapped in by a pulley and the pile was almost double the height of the actual truck. In some ways, this was almost an impressive feat, considering the sheer amount of stuff that was loaded onto it.

Often, these trucks are used to transport goods for people when moving into new properties. To maximize profit, they often pack in as much stuff as possible. Speaking on a similar incident, one Phoenix local said, “The Tetris these guys play at bulk trash time in my neighborhood is amazing. Would I want to be near one on the highway, nope. I once saw a huge pileup on the 101 after a landscape truck lost a ton of rakes and shovels; I can’t imagine what it would look like when this gets loose.”

Later on, another resident chimed in adding, “My question is why don’t they care about potentially killing people with these overloaded and not properly secured things? does the thought never cross their mind because we shouldn’t be risking our lives for an end table to come crashing through our windshields just so they can make a buck.”

Simply put, if these dangerous journey’s keep occurring then at some point, it could result in a fatality. Based on this insane balancing act, it could sadly be sooner rather than later unless a more hardline law is put into place.

21 Replies to ““That can’t be legal” – Super Overloaded truck sighted on Phoenix Freeway”

  1. CDRAZ says:

    This is an act of a very thoughtless & stupid moron. He is not only endangering the lives of people around him, he is endangering his own life. There should be a license plate on the back of the truck. Although the picture is not very clear,someone may be able to enhance it & get the plate number. This is a punishable offense.

    1. Dennis says:

      It’s from Mexico

      1. Deborah Sanders says:


      2. Raine says:

        Of course it is! All the illegals are legal to do whatever they want AND supported by our govt

    2. Kevin Walsh says:

      There’s a visible plate but it’s not from AZ.

  2. Cruz zepeda says:

    I am on the road a lot AZ,,CO.,NM., sometimes NV. Prior yo Covid I would see caravans of them . They are taking advantage of importation laws ( Mexico ) they will often tow a vehicle that’s towing a vehicle , all three fully loaded on their way to Mexico . Resale mark ups are good . I forget how old the vehicles must be to not incur the higher importation taxes.

  3. Randy says:

    This is not a new thing.
    They pack these trucks and take them back to Mexico to resell the used goods. I see them every weekend loading up at auction houses and even though it looks precarious, I have never heard of them getting into an accident or losing anything along the way also it may look like they use a few steps to hold the items, they don’t! They use staps as they load and believe me! The load is not going to drop a thing.

    1. Annette says:

      I work at an auction and have seen this a million times. One time in 10 years they lost a load on the highway and it was bubble wrap. This was a couple months back.

    2. Fuknchuck says:

      A few years ago one of those Toyotas towing another one that broke free between Redrock and Marana caused a multi vehicle accident at least 5 plus 2 semi trucks one that was crushed by the trailer of the other 7hours to get a crane to get the driver out

  4. Rger dahling says:

    That truck is probably one out of mexico. There are severel that come to the local thrift stores goodwill etc.andgo back to mexcio. We see them every week.

  5. Terry says:

    Teller? This has been going on for 20+ years?? I know a guy why was killed dur to one of these trucks running with no lights in the the dark.

  6. Stacy says:

    I agree!! Just like a semi can’t be overloaded!
    These trucks should only be aloud a certain height that is safe!
    You would think their hearts and brains would put 2 and 2 together and just NOT do it!!!

  7. Steve says:

    Unless the load exceeds the legal load limit of the vehicle and does not exceed the height and width legalities fir the road as long as it is secured it is legal.

  8. Ed cota says:

    C’Mon people, don’t act like you’re in disbelief. We all know is people from Mexico, and they come and take all the junk we don’t want. Yes, I think sometimes they do load a little too much but that’s all money to them, they are not gonna loose a thing.

  9. Erin Schmidt says:

    It looks like a truckload of trash. They’re probably going to the dump.

  10. Mike Durham says:

    It is astounding to see these pickups migrating down the freeway with their suspected over loads.

    I don’t know if we have “crash” and citation stats.

    Otherwise, we don’t have “export” stats either on these “other man’s gold loads”.

  11. Kathy Tucker says:

    It’s the Clampits I see Granny up there with her Rocking Chair!

  12. JOHN PASKO says:

    A lot of comments about this”overloaded” truck, W/O a scrap of evidence or knowledge!
    ie, gross weight of load; MFG listed gross weight of truck; load rating of tires, and lawful height for vehicles on that roadway.

  13. Dee McKnight says:

    We cannot have humans or animals in back of pick up trucks because it is considered too dangerous. Who in Hell’s name think this is safe?

  14. Jerry Dillon says:

    “they never lose a thing”? How do you know when and if they lose something, or if something blows off?

  15. Meme says:

    My question is where is the police when you need them, and has anyone dialed 912 to report them?