“That’s not a drive through!” – Car drives right into Charleston Chicken Shop

July 9, 2023 by No Comments

Yesterday, a car in Charleston literally drove into a chicken shop via the front door. This resulted in police and fire crews attending the scene to sort it out – and although this could have seriously injured someone, it was equally hilarious and puzzling as to how the event actually unfolded.

This took place at Church’s Chicken and although their biscuits are good, they’re not that good either. On a serious note though, it’s a good job the front door wasn’t much larger – as otherwise this car could have easily entered the restaurant floor and hurt someone.

What’s even stranger about this incident is exactly how it happened though. Due to the terrain of this location, it’s not really easy to build much speed in a short space of time. Secondly, as the restaurant is located on a gradient, it also makes you wonder how this happened.

As is often the case with stories like this, its curious nature brings up more questions than answers regarding the context of how it actually unfolded. Seeing the funny side of things, one local said this: “I was jonesing for some chicken what can I say.” while another saw the serious side and claimed, “There’s a house at the end of one arm of the Circle that has had multiple different bollards placed and replaced in their front yard. Hilariously sad.”

If you have any information on how this occurred then get in touch, as we’d love to know the backstory.