“That’s SO Portland” – Artist doodles over his entire car

June 26, 2023 by No Comments

While many people would freak out about drawings and doodles appearing on their car – this man actively sought it out. In fact, he was the very creator of these doodles and covered the entity of his car in drawings. For car clean freaks amongst us though, it’s not that bad – as these drawings were done with chalk. This means that if he wanted them removed, he could easily do so with a quick jet wash.

Having said this, it’s not confirmed but the car looks to have been purchased for the very purchase do be drawn on – and does not look like a very well kept, or high-value car. In other words, you could claim that the entire thing was probably an obscure art project. Well, it is Portland after all.

As seen on the side, this car had a mixture of sayings, Pokemon drawings, logos, random cartoon characters, and psychedelic patterns. To some, it may look incredibly trashy, whereas to others it may look artistic and charming. Ultimately, this is the point of art work, and it’s meant to incite opinions and thoughts.

The artist, otherwise known as ‘Matthew The Maniac’ let his creative juices flow, with a number of weird drawings in sight. Looking closer however, we’re not sure if all of these were done by chalk, as some of it may appear more permanent.

As ever, this is yet more evidence of Portland’s quirky character that is ever-present in the community. Love it or hate it, you could never call Portland a boring city and we’re here for it every step of the way!