These are the 15 WEIRDEST laws in Portland that you probably didn’t know about

May 6, 2023 by 10 Comments

Portland is known for being an unusual place, but did you know that its peculiarities extend to its laws? Before continuing, we should state that these are commonly known as ‘blue laws’, which is basically a term to describe a law that was passed many years ago – and was mostly based on religious grounds.

In other words, if you’re found doing many of these then you probably won’t get in trouble for doing them, but technically you’re still committing a crime. Anyway, here are some of the oddest laws that have passed through the state legislature and supposedly remain in effect today:

  1. Pet reptiles are not allowed in Springfield unless you’re a school or a city.
  2. Animal sex is forbidden in Stanfield.
  3. Women cannot wrestle in Salem.
  4. No weddings are allowed on ice skating rinks.
  5. Shoelaces must be tied while walking down the street.
  6. Whistling underwater is not permitted.
  7. Marion County ministers are prohibited from eating garlic or onions before Sunday sermons.
  8. Ice cream is banned on Sundays.
  9. Juggling without a license is strictly prohibited in Hood River.
  10. Testing physical endurance while driving a car on a highway is not allowed.
  11. Walking backwards while eating a doughnut on a city street in Marion County is illegal.
  12. Canned corn cannot be used as bait for fishing.
  13. Dishes must be allowed to drip dry.
  14. Predicting the future is not allowed in Yamhill.
  15. Placing a container filled with human fecal matter on the side of a highway is against the law.

So, there you have it – as seen, some of these laws are just plain weird, whereas others seem to be based on common sense. In particular, you could argue that there’s a good reason for points 10 and 15, whereas for everything else…we truly do not know what is going on!

10 Replies to “These are the 15 WEIRDEST laws in Portland that you probably didn’t know about”

  1. Diane says:

    100% Stupidity

  2. Kay says:

    Wouldn’t surprise with mayor Portland has and the governor the state has.

  3. P j Stark says:


  4. This is really what our officials think are worthy of the taxpayers time and money…WTF??? I feel like addiction, Mental Health, Domestic Violence, Hunger, Homelessness, etc… should be priority over eating a donut on a city sidewalk and if you’re stupid enough to walk around with your shoes untied then the natural consequence of busting your ass is on you!!! We’re not keeping Portland Weird, we’re destroying Oregon as a whole, there’s nothing funny about what our kids, elderly, disabled mentally ill and other vulnerable classes deal with EVERYday!!! I’m so scared for my Black Son in this community and the way the deck is stacked against people like him!!! God help us ALL!!!

    1. Charles Jones says:

      What about distribution of garlic out the facility ?

    2. Barbara H. says:

      How about all of our children none of us expected our world to be this bad? I’m very sorry that some of our children had dealt with some extrem worse things in this world we should be able to come together all of us and try to figure out a good plan of action from this point forward make this world more livable atleast for our children and beyond.

  5. Alan in Portlandia says:

    I need to come clean but I have had ice cream on Sunday and have walked in public with my shoelaces untied. That I can declare technicality as they were boot laces on my Doc Martens

  6. Allegra Hatlen says:

    You have got to be kidding me!! The last commenter apparently doesn’t know how to read since the beginning of the article clearly states that all those “laws” are super old, none of our tax dollars were spent passing laws about eating doughnuts. Calm down and stop being such a Karen about absolutely everything you come across. The article was ment to make people smile there’s no reason to be “scared for your son” based on this story. People like that are whats ruining portland almost more than the homeless situation

  7. Lavender says:

    I personally am in total agreement with the last one.

  8. Dave Dunahugh says:

    The mayor has in a few years destroyed what took years to build. They let drug attics sleep on the sidewalks and mentally addled people rome unchecked intimating ordinary citizens. While non profits feed them but don’t help them. If we could shut down NGO s for a year we wouldn’t have nearly the problem we have today. People who break the law should be confined and taken off the streets