These are the 4 mythical creatures in Portland – But do you know them all?

May 29, 2023 by 2 Comments

Over the years, Portland has had its fair share of local history and quirky news. However, not much is more entertaining than the idea of mythical creatures and ghosts. Yes, these stories may need to be taken with a large grain of salt. However, they’re also undeniably interesting and if nothing else, add to the culture and talking points of Portland. Without further delay – here are the four urban mythical creatures in Portland.


Also known as sasquatch, bigfoot is a mythical creature who is very well known in the USA. It turns out that there have been a number of bigfoot sightings over the years which isn’t too surprising given Portland’s local surroundings.

Basically, Portland is full of forests and greenery which would make for the perfect hideout for bigfoot. Sadly, there’s never been any conclusive evidence to show that bigfoot lives in Portland, but it’s still a pretty cool idea. According to legend, bigfoot is some kind of giant ape that somehow beat evolution to survive. Even more horrifying than bumping into bigfoot is the creepy Portland Trailblazers mascot who is inspired by the local folklore.

Colossal Claude

Supposedly sighted in the Columbia River, Colossal Claude isn’t really known outside of the region. Affectionately known as Claude, he is said to be some kind of giant sea creature who roams the river. Some have claimed that Colossal Claude is either a giant jellyfish or even a whale, with some far-out theories even claiming he is a lost dinosaur.

Over the years, there have been many tales of mythical sea creatures from place to place. It just so happens that Colossal Claude is Portland’s own version of this story. Without bursting the bubble, the likelihood is that Claude is just the result of over-excited sightings of the local sea life. Due to the success of the monster, it was even made into a beer company.

Phantom Bugler

Technically, the Phantom Bugler isn’t a creature, and is actually a ghost. Supposedly, this bugler lurks in the Tillamook forest and can be heard, as well as seen. Some locals have even claimed to be chased by the Phantom Bugler, which means he probably isn’t a very nice spirit.

Out of all the local myths, the idea of the Phantom Bugler is probably the most obscure and doesn’t have much backstory behind it. Nonetheless, there’s definitely something unsettling about a phantom in the Tillamook woods. Sadly, we don’t really know where the bugler comes from.

Bandage Man

Ok, so it turns out that there are only three real Portland urban myths. However, the Bandage Man is local…sort of. Located in Cannon Beach in the nearby city of Clatsop, the Bandage Man is said to roam the beach and stalk locals. In a creepy turn, there have been some vivid accounts of the Bandage Man over the years – which quite frankly sound terrifying.

Thankfully, if the Bandage Man is real, then he’s over in Clatsop. For all Portland’s social problems, as least we don’t have a Bandage Man to deal with!

2 Replies to “These are the 4 mythical creatures in Portland – But do you know them all?”

  1. John Paul Valdez says:

    I saw something in Applegate that looked like nothing I had ever seen. Solid gray sharp teeth and moose antlers that walked on hind legs.

  2. Dan Champion says:

    Saw something last year when I was up to looking at a dry bed waterfall during the summertime on the back way from Lyons to Mill City. It was in the evening when we arrived at the gate and starting to get dark. We had flashlights and when we whipped in to park before we hooked up to this cave under the dry waterfall, we got out took a pee and looked around with flashlights. I heard what sounded like an infant creature to my right in the cravine; sounded like umm umm ummpt. We switched sides and I noticed looking into the woods a silver medallion on the center of a tree searched left and right and we switched again sides of the car. I still heard the noise and another but older one one the driver’s side; sounded the same but I would say adalecent of age communicating back and forth. Next thing the driver said he saw something, I ran to the driver’s side and ask what it was he saw, he said it was on his knees and was looking at him and as soon as it turned it’s head it disappered. I looked for the badge on the tree and it was not there any more. Ummpt ummpt umm you could hear both of the communicating. The driver’s hairs on his arm were standing on end and he called off the hike. We went back the next morning and hiked up to see the front off the cliff was a yellow swath of what looked like puke or similar to paint before the entrance to the cave. I saw in the morning mist one tall figure but only the outline by the sun rays looking down on us as we assended to the entrance. I went in and a gap was revealed along this wall inside the cave and I could hear the same ummpt ummpt of the animal behind the wall. It was the infant. We decided with my friend covering us with a firearm and left. I never returned.