These are the DEADLY animals in Portland that you should be aware of

May 1, 2023 by 5 Comments

These days, you’re more likely to die in Portland from another human compared to a wild animal. Having said that, it’s still important to be aware of the deadly animals that live in Portland, Oregon. Yes, that’s correct. Despite being a modern city with a bustling metro, the fact remains that wild, dangerous animals do exist and they can potentially kill. This is especially relevant if you’re located in the wildlife areas of the city.

So, what are these deadly animals? The first is the black widow spider. This is an infamous predator but contrary to popular belief, spiders are solitary creatures that are fearful of humans. Nonetheless, these can sometimes creep into houses and urban areas, and bite if they feel threatened. These can be identified by their distinct red markings on their chest. If you get bitten by a black widow, go to ER immediately as if you don’t get anti-venom, you can die.

Secondly, Portland is also home to the rattle snake. In fact, there’s actually quite a few breeds of snake in Portland but this is the only deadly one. Like the black widow, it possesses venom which means a bite can result in death. Generally, you’re less likely to see a rattle snake in residential areas and the same advice applies here: leave them alone! Thankfully, you can often hear them hissing if they’re being aggressive, which is a warning shot to get out of there!

Lastly, Portland also has mountain lions. Obviously, these won’t go into your home but can be found on hikes and live in mountainous areas. Unsurprisingly then, they have been sighted near Mt. Hood. Although rare, these can easily kill a grown person due to their sharp claws, teeth, and supreme strength. They have also been known to stalk solo explorers before killing them. As a result, it may be best to be armed when exploring certain areas as a last resort.

So, there we have it. These are Portland’s top three deadliest animals that should be equally feared and respected. Thankfully, most people will never encounter these, but at least you now know what to look out for.

5 Replies to “These are the DEADLY animals in Portland that you should be aware of”

  1. Kathy says:

    Add the Brown Recluse spider to the list as well. I’m sure more people in Portland have been Bitten by a Brown Recluse than a cougar

    1. Ljk says:

      COUGARS are more fun to pet. Research whether brown recluse spiders are really in Portland- there has been debate. I have personally witnessed the stomping of 2 black widows that seem to come in on a car and luggage.

    2. Jayson says:

      Add humans to that list. Number 1 with a bullet.

  2. Starr Shepperd says:

    There’s 5 deadly animal creatures Can’t 4get Brown Racrusse Spider they bite wit venmon 2 Jus like black widow n theres Lion jus like mountain lion but lil bigger n also Wolf, coyotes… I’ve been bite by both spiders n have scares n survived of course No Joke get antibiotics n medical treatments The poison venmon goes thru blood stream fast within 2wks or less U get all kinds affects One of my scares 2in from my juggular Waited 2wks wit 2bites Jus bout died I’m thankful be here 2day Don’t be stubborn!!!!!

  3. M L Greeno says:

    Don’t forget the Wolf spider. Also I would like to know how many Rattlesnakes have been seen in Portland, this is the first I’ve heard of them being on this side of the Cascades.