These signs are turning up everywhere in Delaware – And no one knows why

July 2, 2023 by No Comments

For the most part, Delaware is a fairly normal place – but one thing has got people wondering what’s going on. These are the ‘Scotty‘ signs that keep popping up everywhere and they’re seemingly growing in numbers. Usually, these can be seen in visible areas while driving, and they literally just say ‘Scotty‘ with nothing else mentioned. So, what is the meaning behind these strange signs?

You may think that this is part of some kind of quirky marketing campaign, however it’s not. It turns out that these DIY signs are made by a Delaware resident named Scott Walker who is a local alcoholic. He has previously been arrested for a DUI and has often run (unsuccessfully) for political roles in the area.

As a result of his political aspirations, Walker often uses signs to advertise his name, which is where the infamous ‘Scotty‘ sign comes from. Obviously, there’s no other message with these signs so it seems that his political message is often lost. Nonetheless, it makes for a strange sight if you notice one.

These signs are often handmade from scrap wood, and while they may not be fully legal, it seems that the police of Delaware usually turn a blind eye to them. If you’ve found this article after seeing a Scotty sign in the area then now you know. It probably won’t be the last time that you see one either.