This ‘creepy’ venue has been located in New Orleans for years – And no one knows what it is

July 3, 2023 by No Comments

Located in the Clearview Mall in New Orleans, this venue has been around for years but intriguingly, very few people know what it’s used for. Its mystique isn’t helped by the strange, red lighting that surrounds it or the intimidating, large doors that are almost always shut. As a result, it’s no surprise that people often what goes on inside.

In fact, this place has even become the source of speculation – with wild conspiracies ranging from a sordid gentleman’s club to a religious cult, and even a secret hideout for the elite of New Orleans. Because of this, it has even been branded creepy by some New Orleans residents. Unfortunately, it’s none of these – and as is often the case in life, the reality is often far more mundane than the imagination.

Above, a Facebook friend request to the infamous Clearview Rooms, which has gone unanswered for years…the mystery deepens.

It turns out that this room is actually just a plain, boring conference room. Over the years, it has been hired out for weddings, corporate functions, and everything in between. Interestingly, Mitt Romney also used the room during 2012 presidential campaign – so in fairness, it has had some powerful people use it over the years.

As well, it has sometimes been hosted by the local Victory Church – which depending on who you speak to, is actually a cult. With this in mind, there is actually some truth to the rumors about this place and weird goings-on, albeit for the most part – the Clearview Rooms are merely function rooms that anyone can rent out.