This is how much it costs to sleep on a couch in Boston for 1 Week – It may SHOCK you

July 10, 2023 by No Comments

This AirBnB advert in Boston recently went viral for offering a couch that was part of the host’s condo. Sadly, this wasn’t a parody or a prank either – and was a genuinely serious offer. However, whether anyone would be foolish enough to pursue this rental is another thing entirely.

As seen in the image below, the couch is part of a pretty small (and cramped) living space and costs a total of $485 per week. Although you would get access to things such as a bathroom and kitchen area, it’s still an undeniably expensive price to sleep on a couch. Further still, the shape of the couch isn’t straight either – meaning that it would probably be physically uncomfortable to sleep on it for hours at a time.

In a final insult to injury, this wasn’t even a private rental, meaning the host would be living there with guests during their stay.

Bostonians were quick to react to this price online – and didn’t hold back in saying what they really thought. Here, one person said: “Haha, imagine sleeping on that thing, let alone with the host and his buddies milling around.” However, one person disagreed arguing, “It’s honestly not terrible for a one night stay, much less than a hotel if you’re just in for a show or something.”

It turns out that some would agree with this, as the host even had three reviews, which indicates that people had previously used it. Let us know your thoughts on whether you would pay this much for a couch or whether it’s too expensive.