This is the most expensive gym in the world – And it’s based in Phoenix

June 26, 2023 by No Comments

Even if you’ve lived in Phoenix for years, it may still surprise you to find out that the most expensive gym in the world is based there. This is according to a recent Youtube video that saw a creator named Will Tennyson visit the Exos gym in Phoenix to have a look around.

The price of this gym was not cheap, but then again you’d expect this considering its prestigious title. In total, going to this gym would cost you a yearly total of $30,000. In other words, it’s not exactly your typical Planet Fitness.

Throughout the video, the average clientele at the gym was revealed. Most of these included wealthy individuals and high-level sportspeople. More specifically, it seemed to have a lot of football, basketball, and soccer players. In fairness, if you’re on a high wage and sports is your job then this actually works out as a good investment.

As expected, users at the gym were treated to a lot of high quality services. This included the constant use of your own personal trainer, custom-cooked meals and shakes, and an array of workouts. For instance, the back of the gym has its own football area which would be ideal for any NFL stars in the area.

Although it was hugely expensive, the overall theme of the video was that it wasn’t a terrible deal if you’re a professional sports person (or you have too much money!). For everyone else, there’s always Planet Fitness!