This Laundromat has been described as ‘The most expensive’ in Milwaukee due to ‘ABSURD’ prices

July 4, 2023 by 6 Comments

A Laundromat on 60th and Forest Home was recently exposed for having “the most expensive prices” in the entirety of Milwaukee. This was shown by the image below – which shows that a 22 minute wash would cost a total of $9. Obviously, laundromat prices usually come at a bit of a premium, but this seems to go well above and beyond the norm.

According to one resident, the same place used to have different machines that would charge $1-$2 per go – however, these have since been removed and replaced with the $9 alternative. This was apparently confirmed by a worker who was asked when fitting the new machines.

If you’re struggling to pay for laundromat prices then it’s often more economical to buy your own wash and dryer machine. Although these have a big cost upfront, they will typically save you hundreds over the years and it goes without saying, you won’t have to fork out $9 per spin either! Of course, a lot of people don’t have the up front cash or space to house them though.

Others commented, calling this an act of ‘greedflation‘ which is a combination of inflation mixed with greed. While we live in a free market economy, it certainly acts as a fitting description. Ultimately though, if these prices truly are that bad then the masses will vote with their feet and eventually leave and go elsewhere.

6 Replies to “This Laundromat has been described as ‘The most expensive’ in Milwaukee due to ‘ABSURD’ prices”

  1. Patrick Case says:

    You’re either going to Pay, or stray. Pretty soon, they’ll get the message or shut down and go out of business!

    1. Terrence Harris says:

      The is cheap compared to the laundry mat on 78 and Capitol Dr. Their price is 10 dollars a wash and 7 or 8 for smaller loads.

  2. Wizdom says:

    Go elsewhere. There are a lot of businesses who take advantage of people whom live in the area of there business.

    Charging people extra to use debit and credit cards if the purchase is under $5 and so forth.

    It may be a little in convenient to go elsewhere, but until we all show businesses like this, that there are other establishments that appreciate paying customers, their way of conducting business will only continue to be outrageously absurd.

    1. Barbara C says:

      Go to the one on East Capitol… Very clean and the workers are so nice….Plus you can put the money on there washing cards and earn lots of free washers..Well worth it…

  3. Monica says:

    Awful wretched companies! The people who go there cant afford a washer/dryer – they nickel and dime us every time we turn around- and now this!? This is how they keep the poor ,poor. disgusting!

  4. Latarcha Griffin says:

    This is sad but yes the prices are getting much more expensive the one that I go to just went up a Dollar and Dollar and fifty cent on they washers