This one image sums up Detroit’s dangerous driving perfectly

July 12, 2023 by No Comments

A tongue-in-cheek image recently went viral which showed certain driver’s attitudes to speed limits in Detroit. This showed a picture of freeway signs and beneath them, it wrote: “In Michigan ‘speed limit 60’ translates to ‘if we all go over 80 they can’t pull us all over’ and I think that’s so beautiful.” Now, we don’t quite agree that this mentality is ‘beautiful‘, but it certainly seems to be an everyday occurrence of driving around these parts.

Reacting on social media, Detroit residents referred to the infamous Southfield Freeway which some even referred to as ‘Southfield Speedway’ due to the speeds done on the infamous freeway. Others even claimed that 80 MPH was actually an underestimation and for many people, the average speed was closer to 95 MPH.

Having said this, not everyone saw the humor and one person wrote on social media, “I think it’s disgusting, and a reflection of the backwater ignorance that still permeates this region.”

Now, within the context of the meme, this tone does seem a little serious. However, there’s a reason why speed limits exist and this is to do with safety. Statistically, you’re far likelier to survive a 60 MPH crash than a 90 MPH crash which is why they’re in place. Having said this, it doesn’t look like the driving culture in Detroit will change anytime soon and it’s been this way for years. Perhaps this is why the image resinated with so many people in the first place.