This one photo sums up Irvine drivers Perfectly

July 11, 2023 by No Comments

If you’ve lived in Irvine long enough, then you’ll be well aware of this cultural phenomenon when it comes to driving. In short, Irvine has its own quirks on the road and this makes its drivers different from those elsewhere in the country. We’re not saying that the drivers here are particularly bad or dangerous either (well, sometimes they can be) – but instead we’re talking about something a bit unusual that can’t really be explained.

Seen below, the phenomenon can be seen in its full glory. Here, a number of car drivers hold back from their correct positioning and unintentionally delay the lights as a result. Thus, making their journeys (and those behind them) much slower.

Ironically, you could understand the far truck being further back as it’s making a left turn and may need more space to complete a tight turn (or avoid the passing traffic). However, there’s no reason for the three cars in the middle lanes to be as retreated as they are.

The image also shows the traffic detectors which can sense your car. This means the lights will only last longer as the detectors fail to sense that cars are near. Now, if you’ve lived in other cities then you’ll have noticed that it just doesn’t happen elsewhere. Honestly, we’re not sure why this is – but it’s definitely something local to Irvine, which some people find infuriating.