This one picture PERFECTLY sums up how frustrating life in Norfolk can sometimes be

July 5, 2023 by No Comments

For the most part, living in Norfolk, VA is nice and arguably it’s one of the more pleasant US cities to live in. However, if there is one thing that locals could change about the place, it would probably be the sheer amount of trains and crossings.

For some reason, Norfolk seems to have an abundance of them – which means if you don’t know your way around, then you’ll probably end up waiting at a crossing for minutes at a time, watching trains go by. Although this isn’t the biggest hindrance in the world, it can get frustrating. As a result, the image below recently went viral on social media as it perfectly sums up life in Norfolk.

Reacting on social media, one resident half-jokingly said: “There are 3 types of trains there: A train with 5 cars. If you wait about 20 seconds you can see if it is that one, a train with 1000 cars, a train with 1000 cars that stops and then backs up and then stops again. Always drive to Colley or Monticello if it is not the first one.” Elsewhere, others claimed that you could also find trains openly dispursing coal into the air. Nice.

The fact remains that if you know the roads well, then you shouldn’t come into contact with too many crossings which makes for a more efficient journey. For better or worse however, Norfolk has a lot of trains.