This shows just how dangerous crossing the road can be in Florida

July 9, 2023 by No Comments

A Flordia resident recently showed just how dangerous it can be when crossing the road in Florida. Here, they uploaded a video showing their struggle. Although they should have had priority to cross, various cars simply ignored them and continued over the crossing anyway. Had the person filming this video continued into the road, then they’d have been hit by a number of cars that either weren’t looking or simply didn’t care.

This was filmed on SR-54 & US-19 and is what many people now describe as a ‘stroad’ which is a strange mixture of a street and a road that makes it more dangerous for pedestrians to cross due to the speeds of the traveling cars.

Even when the pedestrian does manage to finally cross, the red car still almost hits them and drives right into the crossing. This sparked a discussion on social media whereby one person even went as far as to say: “This is why a lot of people think we should get rid of a right turn on red.” Elsewhere, another added, “Forget those cars. The complete lack of humanity these people have pedestrians is astounding.”

If nothing else, this should also show pedestrians to be wary at all times when crossing busy roads. Even though you may legally be in the right to cross – it still doesn’t mean that you always should. This is because as seen in the video, not every car plays by the rules and it only takes one accident to change your life completely.