This simple hack will get your stolen bike back ‘everytime’

June 29, 2023 by No Comments

A recent method was shared on social media of how to get your stolen bicycle back in Boston. Over the years, this has become a more common affair and understandably, locals are fed up. However, one resident claimed that this hack had worked a few times and that it was probably the best way to try and recover your stolen bike.

According to their system, here’s what you need to do. Firstly, you’ll need to call the State police instead of calling Boston District police. This is because they’re more likely to deal with your case (we could get into the reasons as to why this is the case, but at this point it’s probably not relevant).

Secondly, you’ll then need to tell them that it’s located at Boston University Bridge. This is a major homeless community in Boston, and it’s filled with stolen bikes that are often up for sale. Below is an image of the location on Google Maps.

In other words, this strategy is far better than simply calling the Boston Department and it has more concrete results. Similarly, another suggestion is to claim that your bike is located at Alewife behind 35 Cambridepark. Here, there is another large encampment with obviously stolen high end bikes, including electric scooters too.

The way this works is that the police will have to investigate your call and statistically, there’s a very high chance that your bike is located in this area. Of course, it may not be and it could have been sold by then – but this is probably your best shot. On a final note, it’s always worth being extra precautions with your bike to avoid theft in the first place.