THREATENING Letter Found On The Springwater Trail Corridor

May 13, 2023 by No Comments

Once considered a lovely bicycle and pedestrian rail trail in the Portland metropolitan area, the Springwater Trail Corridor is still mostly nice. However, homeless encampments and threatening letters have now somewhat tainted what was a nice place for a day out in the sunshine.

Whilst the letter is somewhat comedic in a dark way, it does show just how unhinged the person who wrote it truly is. Furthermore, it has a lot in common with the scene from Casino where Joe Pesci threatens a banker. In fact at many points, the notice reads word for word the exact threat from the movie.

For those unable to read the writing, the note says:

“Note to the person I caught on Camera on May 6th @ 1:40 AM cutting my ropes to my tarp and moving my ladder to the street so you can steal it. Try again, I will catch you and guess what I will crack your ******* head open and by the time im getting out of prison hopefully ou’ll be getting out of your coma. Now some might say im taking this too far and thats its just sfuff, yeah, its my stuff.

And the fact that I am ****** stupid, I dont give a **** about jail so please come back @2 AM and **** around and find out just how serious I am about people coming to my home and damaging my **** and I promise you those that care about you, lets hope they are enough about you to build a handicap ramp to your homeless camp.

From your future disabler”

As previously mentioned, the person who wrote this is quite clearly mentally unhinged. Furthermore, they have written a sign on a piece of cardboard with a black market pen, yet claim to have the culprit on camera a 1:40AM.

If this doesn’t show that many of these people need urgent mental help for substance abuse, I am not really sure what further evidence is required.