Throwback photos from 1993 show Orlando Downtown of yesteryear

June 22, 2023 by No Comments

These days, Orlando looks very different compared to how it did back in 1993. Obviously, you would expect this, seeing as it was 30 years ago. However, it’s still interesting to look back and reminisce about different times. And, it’s fair to say that since then, there’s been a lot of change. Whether for better or worse, life has moved pretty quickly since then and here are the pictures to prove it.

Firstly, we have the First Union building in the background. Over the years, this building was sold several times for tens of millions of dollars, proving to be a prime piece of Orlando real estate. Of course, the main star of the show is the bright pink metal and equally flamboyant public parking sign. Sadly, public spaces rarely have fluorescent colors these days!

Secondly, we have the public area next to the waterfront. As seen, this looks miles away from what it’s like today and we can’t believe how clean and tidy everything looks. Also, look at the 90s fashion. Here, we have short-shorts and even more bright clothing.

Below, another picture of the waterfront. This time we can see the skyline in the background. This looks worlds away from the current skyline of today. Interestingly, even the taller building were less sleek and used less glass which seems to be a common feature of modern architecture that was absent in the early 90s.

Lastly, we have a picture showing Barnett Bank in the background, and McCrorys in the foreground. Like many buildings of its time, McCrorys didn’t make it into modern times and was demolished in 2003. This was a five-and-dime chain store that enjoyed relative success in Orlando during the 90s.

So there we have it. Hopefully, those old enough can look back fondly at some of these sights. And, for the younger generation, hopefully it gives you a sense of perspective of how things used to be.