Traffic delays after large Jackie Robinson Parkway Car Crash

July 9, 2023 by No Comments

Today saw a big car crash take place on Jackie Robinson Parkway in Brooklyn which created large traffic jams in the area. Shortly after the incident, a video was uploaded to social media which showed what had gone on. Here, a passing car managed to film the aftermath which showed a white car badly damaged that had almost fallen off the barrier. This was accompanied by a man on the floor who looked badly injured.

As of this moment, there is no information available regarding the health status of the man in question. However, based on the video – it did not look good although he was still alive and there was no blood on the scene.

Due to the serious nature of the video, we have decided not to show it out of respect for the victim. However, we can only wish them a speedy recovery and hope that they turn out ok. It should be noted that of late, Jackie Robinson Parkway has earned an infamous reputation in New York City due to its many dangerous crashes.

Back in March of this year, one man died by flying off the Parkway and crashing into a tree below. With this in mind, we urge those using the route to exercise caution and always remember to drive defensively if you ever feel in danger.