Truck BLASTS right into Ace Hardware in Knoxville

July 1, 2023 by No Comments

Yesterday saw some pretty terrible driving in South Knoxville, as a truck went straight through the entrance doors at an Ace Hardware store – causing substantial damage in the process. As seen, this left a trail of debris and shattered glass in its wake and this would not be cheap to repair.

An eyewitness on the scene claimed that thankfully, no one was hurt or injured – which is incredibly lucky. On another day, a young child could have easily been walking out of the store and straight into the truck. Thankfully however, the truck didn’t hit anyone and the driver was fine. We cannot confirm whether the man in the picture was the driver, but if it was then he can count himself very fortunate to be walking.

This took place at the South Knoxville store near UGO and KARM Thrift Store. Overall, you could argue that this doesn’t give truck drivers the best reputation, who are already stereotyped for being reckless at times. On social media, some saw the funny side though, claiming that it was a convenient parking spot and allowed the driver quick access into the store.

Speaking of which, this does make you wonder exactly how this event happened in the first place. Even if you lost control and weren’t concentrating, it would be quite hard to do. Some have also speculated that the driver may have forgotten to use their handbrake which is a solid theory. As mentioned though, thankfully this didn’t end off worse and the driver can consider themselves very lucky.