Truck crashes into George’s Kitchen sign

July 11, 2023 by No Comments

Today, one of Cleveland’s favorite restaurants got a sign ‘adjustment’. This is because a truck went crashing into the sign outside of George’s Kitchen. As a result, the sign was destroyed and will probably need replacing. Based on the position of the truck, you would also assume that it missed its turn at some point and continued into the sign. While it’s still puzzling exactly how someone did this, it still remains the most likely outcome.

As a result, police were quickly on the scene and temporarily shut the road down. Thankfully though, it wasn’t a major crash and the only thing hurt was the driver’s ego (and the George’s Kitchen sign of course.)

Reacting on social media, one Cleveland local joked, “I think they wanted a drive-through.” while others saw it more seriously. One even went as far as to say “I was actually in a life-altering car crash right at this intersection when I was like 11 years old. I try to never drive it to this day. They just need to put in a roundabout at this point.”

In fairness, if you have driven on this intersection isn’t always the easiest to navigate and over the years, it has caused a few accidents, so we can empathize with the driver on this one. On a final note, it will be interesting to see who pays for the George’s Kitchen sign and when it actually gets repaired to its former glory.