Truck Driver Unscathed after HUGE crash – Some are calling it divine intervention

June 30, 2023 by No Comments

The morning saw a huge truck crash just outside of Madison High School in Alabama on the 72. Thankfully, it looks like the driver was ok as the man in the picture may have been the driver (or so we hope). Furthermore, it’s also good that this happened when it did. Had the crash occurred several hours earlier before as the school was opening for the morning, then this could have turned into a very serious, nasty story. Not only this but the road looked suspiciously quiet for your average Friday morning in Madison.

As seen by the debris in the road, it looks as though this crash was pretty bad – and it must have been, as a vehicle of this size doesn’t just topple over in the wind either.

As if it was a sign from God, the truck crashed right in front of a biblical billboard that read “Fear not!” which could be interpreted as a lucky escape for the driver after coming out unscathed. This is even more relevant when taking into account the numerous utility poles in the area – which means that a serious crash would have been more likely had the driver collided with one of them.

So, what could have turned into something sinister was quite minor given the circumstances. However, it certainly looks as though the truck will need a lot of maintenance work given its current condition. You could also argue that this was a brilliantly positioned billboard that hints at either brilliant marketing, or divine intervention.