Tweet shows the ‘bonkers’ income tax rate in Portland compared to elsewhere

May 6, 2023 by 1 Comment

This week saw a political-based tweet go viral. Unfortunately, it was for some pretty scary reasons, as far as the top earners in Oregon are concerned. Just last week, it was revealed that $1.1 billion of taxable income had left Multnomah this year which was due to its highest earners leaving the city. And, if you read this tweet – then you will know why.

Twitter user Jen Vaughan wrote “Portland’s income tax rate of 14.7% for high earners is second only to New York City.

The report points out that an individual hits that high earner mark in Portland at $125,000, while a New York taxpayer would have to make $25 million.

Wow. Absolutely bonkers”

Understandably, Portland residents weren’t very happy about this and had their say on social media. Here are a few of the comments:

“Meanwhile, $125,000 is just barely enough to possibly buy a house in Portland these days. $125,000 per year is not upper class. $125,000 per year has the buying power a typical plumber would have in Portland back in the 1980s. This should get levied on people making over $350,000 per year, not $125,000.”

“Time to move to Portland for all the amazing public services provided by these high taxes right?”

As seen, once again it appears that the politicians of Portland have a lot to answer to and this policy has yet again outraged locals.

One Reply to “Tweet shows the ‘bonkers’ income tax rate in Portland compared to elsewhere”

  1. Tom Turnell says:

    That’s what happens when cities are run by leftist Commies. Portland, San Francisco, Seattle, etc….