Two St. Patty’s Day cocktails For Your Imbiding Pleasure!

December 20, 2022 by No Comments

Yes indeed, two cocktail posts two days in a row! And this one is a double feature.

Tomorrow is St. Patrick’s Day, and I know you’ll be looking to be sipping some fun drinks. But do you really want beer-of-a-certain-pricepoint that’s been dyed green? Or do you want a fresh, fun and fruity sparkling cocktail?

That’s what I thought 🙂

And for what it’s worth, I feel the same way. What I like about these two cocktails I’ve created is that they could be for a fun spring brunch, a dinner with a couple of friends or a night partying.

They’re also super simple! Besides the bottle of spirits, all you need to pick up is some IZZE sparkling juice.

My first offering for you, I’m calling The Top of the Morning, because I am alllll about the cute names. There’s a lot of fresh apple taste going here:

The Top of the Morning Cocktail,  featuring IZZE Apple Sparkling Juice

1 oz. Laird’s Applejack
Lemon bitters
1/4 oz fresh lime juice
IZZE Sparkling Apple, chilled
Lime zest for garnish

Add Applejack, bitters and lime juice to a coupe or champagne glass. Top with IZZE Sparkling apple and garish with lime zest.

The second cocktail, The Pot of Gold (OK it’s kind of orange but oh well!) features a super orangey pop of flavor from the combination of orange sparkling juice and Aperol.

The Pot of Gold Cocktail, featuring IZZE Clementine Sparkling Juice

1 oz. Aperol
Orange bitters
Fresh mint
IZZE Sparkling Clementine, chilled

Muddle the mint in a shaker, then shake the aperol and orange bitters briefly to chill. Strain into a champagne glass and top with IZZE Sparkling Clementine. Garnish with an orange wheel and more fresh mint.

I can’t even decide which one is my favorite – so you’ll have to tell me in the comments 🙂 Everyone have a fun and safe holiday!

This post is sponsored by IZZE, but my work and opinions are my own.