UFO’s Sighted Over Portland – Were We Visited By Aliens?

April 28, 2023 by No Comments

UFO sightings are more common than ever in the USA. Last night it was Portland’s turn.

Some people have immediately dismissed this sighting as a plane approach from PDX airport, which would be somewhat understandable if all 3 lights were equally distance from one another. Whilst in some shots, this does look to be the case – it does seem that the lights are too far away from each other to be a plane and also unequally distant.

Not pictured, there was also meant to be a 4th light which disappeared after 10-20 minutes, whilst the 3 remained in the sky by themselves for an unknown period of time.

Another theory is that several planes are approaching the runway and circling in a formation whilst waiting for permission to land. This makes more sense, as it can appear that the lights are “hovering” in the sky – especially if you are moving whilst viewing them, such as driving in a car.

Of course, just because you don’t think that this was American Airlines, does not mean it was an alien craft. It could well have been military jets flying in a formation. However, it seems very unlikely that this was a passenger jet.

There have been reports that people viewed these lights hovered in the same spot for around 10 hours – although this timeframe cannot be confirmed.

Although the photograph is somewhat grainy. The argument against this being planes is the brightness of the lights. Of course jets are visible from the ground, but the brightness is typically not as luminous as the photo shows.

One discredited theory is that someone was flying drones in this formation. As the lights are very bright, this doesn’t really add up. For the distance covered, someone would have to go through an awful lot of trouble equipping industrial strength lighting to 3 drones, as well as the ability to power this for a long period of time whilst in the sky.

Do you think this was aliens, passenger aircraft or a military operation? Let us know in the comments.