Viral video shows ‘Certified bird habitat’ next to smashed windows & crime in Portland

June 2, 2023 by No Comments

This week, a video went viral on Twitter for all the wrong reasons. Here, a man filmed the side of a building in downtown Portland that had a notice on the wall. This notice read, ‘Certified backyard habitat’ with a picture of a bird next to it. He then zoomed the camera out to show said habitat, which was literally a tiny strip of grass with a single tree. Clearly, whatever wildlife used to live here was now gone.

Zooming out further, he showed smashed glass on the floor just meters away – and ironically said “People’s windows smashed out, crime literally everywhere – but the birds are safe though!” Later on in the video, he went on to show the uglier side of Portland that included closed businesses, homeless tents, and litter. This was captioned which read “Absolute embarrassment of an American city. Every politician in this city should be absolutely embarrassed.” Before concluding that Portland was a like a third-world country.

Perhaps we’re reaching too much here – but you could argue that the bird sign next to smashed glass is symbolic of Portland’s recent downfall. One Twitter user replied and hit the nail on the head by writing, “What a shame. Portland was once a beautiful, peaceful & relatively quiet safe city & tourist destination.” So, even though this video may appear a little tongue in cheek – there’s also a lot of truth which shows the sad state of affairs in the city.