We found the most expensive car in Portland – Its value may shock you…

June 6, 2023 by No Comments

Whoever said that cars don’t go up in value lied to you. Whilst this may be conventional wisdom that is appropriate most of the time, it’s not always correct to assume that a car will drop in value. Take for instance, the most expensive car in Portland – the 2005 Ford GT.

Originally priced brand new around the $145,000 mark – this car was not cheap, to begin with. In fact, as far as the Ford brand is concerned, it would have been one of their more expensive releases. However, more than 15 years later, the price has ballooned for his particular model.

This car in question is listed for sale at $479,500 dollars. In other words, you could easily buy a property in Portland at that price and have some change left over. So, why is it so expensive? In short, there are two reasons. These days, the 2005 GT has achieved iconic status which certainly helps. Not to mention, it’s the ultimate boys toy and looks similar to Batman’s famous Batmobile.

Secondly, this car also has under 5000 miles. In other words, it’s as good as new – and finding something similar would be near impossible to do, at least not unless you had the right finances available. Located near Rose City Cemetary, this is literally the most expensive car on the market right now in Portland.

It’s not just the exterior that bangs either, the interior also looks superbly unique and will have piston head purring. Sadly, this car is off-limits to most in the area, but a select few will be able to buy this regardless.