We found the WORST & BEST Portland themed tattoos

May 13, 2023 by 1 Comment

It’s fair to say that Portland is a city that is loved and respected by (most of) its residents. In fact, some even decide to show their love in the form of artwork and tattoos. Whilst this may seem a little extreme to some, it actually makes sense if you really feel that way about your city. Having said this, getting a tattoo isn’t always a good idea. In some cases, it can work out and look quite striking, whereas other times it can look plain corny. In this article, we’ve picked the best and worst. We’ll start by looking at the best Portland-themed tattoo below:

As seen, this is a really well done sleeve that shows the natural beauty of Portland. This is complete with its natural waterfalls, pine trees, and the iconic Mt Hood in the background. If you look closely at the bottom of the middle picture, it also has a dog at the bottom. It wouldn’t be Portland without its love of dogs! Now here’s the worst:

Technically speaking, this tattoo is not bad at all and has been executed well. However, the thing that makes us really cringe is where it says “Made in Oregon”. We get it, your parents had sex is Oregon – does that really need to be shown in tattoo form? Overall it just seems a bit tacky.

One Reply to “We found the WORST & BEST Portland themed tattoos”

  1. Maddy says:

    I don’t think the “bad” thing is nearly as cringe as you make it sound. The Made in Oregon sign downtown is one of the most well known & recognizable Portland landmarks in existence. It makes perfect sense to include it in a Portland tribute tattoo. I’ve actually seen quite a few Portland tats that include that exact sign. I mean I’ve seen waaaay cringier tattoos than that!