Locals amazed as weird cloud formation appears over New Orleans skies

June 18, 2023 by 1 Comment

Yesterday night saw various New Orleans residents get their phones out and take pictures of the skies. No, it wasn’t aliens but it was still something pretty cool. For the first time in years, the clouds looked almost bumpy and textured which made for a trippy visual.

To be more scientific about it, these were Mammatus clouds which is their technical name. These are a distinct cloud formation characterized by pouch-like or bubble-like structures that hang beneath the base of a cloud. They typically appear in the form of a series of rounded, smooth, and often separate cloud masses that can range in size from small to large.

No, it’s not the apocalypse – but it is still quite a rare and interesting sight!

While Mammatus clouds are commonly associated with severe thunderstorms, they can also form in other weather conditions, such as cold fronts, stable stratiform clouds, or even volcanic eruptions. They are often seen after the most intense phase of a thunderstorm has passed or as the storm system is dissipating. Therefore, their presence alone does not guarantee an imminent storm.

Overall, it’s not too surprising that Mammatus clouds decided to visit New Orleans. This is because the entire country has been experiencing some pretty obscure weather this week. From huge thunderstorms, to heatwaves, to hail – the USA has seen it all. On a final note, it wouldn’t be too surprising if New Orleans did go on to have storms (but as mentioned, this isn’t a guarantee at this point).

One Reply to “Locals amazed as weird cloud formation appears over New Orleans skies”

  1. Gary Crosby says:

    Amazing cloud formation thanks for the info!