Welcome to the most complex street in Pittsburgh – Image shows the chaos of Forbes Ave

June 28, 2023 by No Comments

If you’ve been near Forbes Ave recently, then you’ll probably agree that it’s the most complicated street in the entirety of Pittsburgh. This was captured by the photograph featured below, which shows just how hectic it can be for cars in the area.

Here, you could see a total of five traffic lights within a twenty meter stretch (that must be some kind of record?), which was also accompanied by two one-way lane signs, as well as traffic cones, construction vehicles, buses, and a whole lot of traffic. We weren’t exaggerating when we said it’s the most complex street in Pittsburgh.

If you look closely enough, you can also see puzzled pedestrians, as they figure out the safest way how to cross the street. In fact, the more you look, the more you’ll find even more weird stuff going on that you may have missed the first time.

Commenting on social media, one resident put it best when they quipped, “It’s only missing the delivery truck with hazard lights on and unloading in the travel lane.” Another comment was made by someone who actually worked there, and they said this: “I work there (Tuesday to Thursday at the office) and make sure to get to the office before 7 or Forbes turns into a cluster. I know delivery trucks have to do their thing but man I wish there was a better option for them. With this new lane closure and the trucks it’s like playing pinball these days.”

So, if ever you find yourself in gridlock – always remember, it could be worse. You could be driving down Forbes Ave during rush hour.