“What a fool” – Man pictured on 694 riding scooter

June 24, 2023 by 3 Comments

A man was recently brandished a massive fool – and if we’re being honest, he may even be the most foolish man in Minneapolis. This is because he was photographed on the East 694 on a scooter. As if this wasn’t already dangerous enough, he did this whilst wearing over-ear headphones, meaning his hearing would have also been impaired.

Furthermore, this man also rode his scooter in between lanes, meaning he was even more vulnerable to passing cars. You would think he would at least wear protective clothing like a helmet as well – but yet again this was absent.

It goes without saying that doing this is not only highly dangerous – but also illegal for good reason too. The car that took the photo was traveling at 20 MPH. Now, this may not be the fastest speed on earth, but even if it clipped the scooter man then it could have easily killed him. Furthermore, this doesn’t mean that other passing vehicles wouldn’t be going much faster either.

On social media, this gained a lot of criticisms, including one person saying, “If you’re gonna be an idiot, why not at least use the shoulder? Good grief.” while another stated, “What a dumb way to die.” Elsewhere, others mocked his bizarre clothing, which included a multi-colored t-shirt and baggy sweat pants. On a serious note though, hopefully this man arrived to his destination safely, and no one was hurt.

3 Replies to ““What a fool” – Man pictured on 694 riding scooter”

  1. Denny Baker says:

    He is a knuckle head with a death wish.

  2. Meeche says:

    Where were the police to get him off and give him a ticket?

  3. Ronald Baros says:

    think that would be under 694