“What a moron!” – Idiotic driver causes CHAOS after trying to overtake

July 13, 2023 by No Comments

Recent dashcam footage showed an idiotic Lexus driver trying to illegally overtake on Old Concord Rd in Charlotte. Here, the impatient driver took to driving on the grass to overtake. However, this wasn’t the smartest idea, as their speed combined with the volatile gradient of the grass made this driver quickly lose control (and most likely regret their decision).

Funnily enough, the car they tried to overtake casually continued driving forward, which shows that often in life – the smart, sensible decisions are those that pay off. In the end, the Lexus actually did quite well to narrowly avoid crashing into a sign. However, they also got lucky not to be involved in a dangerous crash.

This is because they ended up driving onto a turning lane – but thankfully, there were no cars in sight, as otherwise, this could have had a bad ending. Hopefully though, this driver has learned a key lesson that impatience can be deadly on the roads and usually, dumb decisions get dumb results.

Having said this, they may not have gotten away with it completely. This is because you’d imagine their undercarriage and suspension may have taken server damage by taking this alternative route. As you can imagine, their behavior was blasted on social media and described as moronic, while another person pointed out: “Endangering multiple lives is obviously justified when you get to work a whole 45 seconds earlier haha.”

As always folks, drive carefully out there and try not to do something stupid.