“What are these?!” Chicago baffled by military planes in skies – However, there is a simple explanation

June 27, 2023 by No Comments

Yesterday, Chicago locals were perplexed to see heavy-duty military planes flying above in the suburbs. In fairness, this isn’t your average sight and understandably, you’d be confused if you saw them as well. Having said this, unless you’ve lived under a large rock lately, you may have put two and two together and realized what is going on.

In short, these planes are called MV-22 Ospreys, and they’re currently being deployed by Marines in preparation for President Joe Biden’s visit to Chicago which is due today. The POTUS is due to arrive at O’Hare airport before getting escorted in an MV-22 to Downtown Chicago. Obviously, when you’re the President you will often travel in style.

Speaking of ‘style’, the MV-22 Osprey certainly isn’t cheap either. They are estimated to cost roughly $84 million per plane, which means the person that photographed them was looking at over $165 million in cost. That could pay for a lot of Chicago pizzas.

Not only are these physically intimidating, but they’re also very loud too. One Chicago local had this to say, “I was in the garden last time those flew over my house when Biden was here and they were so loud I thought that Skynet had become sentient and deployed the people killer robots. Super loud and fast.

Unfortunately, the chances of seeing an Osprey again in Chicago are very slim, so make the most of it while the President is in town!