‘What could possibly go wrong?’ Toilets precariously balanced on Nashville truck

June 23, 2023 by No Comments

Yesterday saw a very weird sight that went viral on social media. A picture taken in the Green Hills area of Nashville showed a Chevrolet SUV driving in front, with two toilet seats precariously balanced on the back footrest. These were held together by a green pulley – but even still, it looked as if they could go flying at any moment.

What makes this even more bizarre is that this SUV also had ample storage in the trunk. In other words, although it’s not recommended, you could see why this storage arrangement occurred if this took place on a small vehicle. However, this looked to be some kind of tradesman’s truck which was literally designed to carry large items – and as said, the rear trunk could have easily housed the two toilets.

To make matters worse, if you look closely at the footrest, it’s also slanted towards the side of the heavier toilet. This shows that it may not have made the journey, especially if speed humps were driven over.

Locals were quick to jump on the quirky sighting, with one proclaiming, “Talk about a dump truck” while another claimed, “Business up front, potty in the back.” Sadly, if you’re used to driving around Nashville, then these sights are probably more common than you’d expect. Even still, it’s not every day you’re in traffic behind two toilet seats.