What to know about the PSU Food Pantry

February 12, 2023 by No Comments

The food pantry at Portland State University operates like many other college or community food pantries, which typically provide free food and supplies to individuals in need. Most of all though, its main service is to provide free, healthy food for the PSU students. I think this is a great incentive as living costs rise and more, similar initiatives should be invited forward.

Typically, people can visit the pantry and choose from a variety of food items and supplies. Some pantries might have eligibility requirements, and often you’re advised to book ahead if you’re in desperate need of food. The address of the pantry is 1825 SW Broadway. Portland, OR 97201 and its opening hours are 1–6 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 10 a.m.–2 p.m. on Friday.

If you’re interested in using the PSU Food Pantry, I recommend visiting the university’s website or reaching out to a representative directly for more information on how it works, including specific eligibility requirements, hours of operation, and the types of food and supplies that are available.