Wheel Bandits Roll Away with Pickup Truck Owner’s Tires In Bay Area

July 7, 2023 by No Comments

Although Lafayette is one of the most expensive cities in the country, this does not exempt residents from petty crime. Found in the local BART station, this incident made locals wonder about the general security of the car park.

The owner of this pickup truck will certainly not be happy after all 4 wheels were taken. Organized gangs of criminals favor this type of crime due to the quick time it takes to remove wheels. Typically a full 4-tire change will take up to 2 hours, however, criminals only need 5-10 minutes at most to remove tires and make a swift exit.

Furthermore, as this crime was performed at the Lafayette BART station, it’s likely that the victim was scouted in advance. Anyone watching the parking lot could see someone exit their vehicle and board the C-Line, knowing that they will likely not return for at least an hour or two, which is more than enough time to steal tires.

As the truck was a Dodge RAM 1500, tires for this kind of truck typically cost anywhere from $150 upwards each. A full set of Eagle F1 SuperCar 3 tires for example would set you back around $1200 before you paid for them to be installed. Either way, it seems that even if the tires are more towards the budget end of the range, they would still make $200 for 10 minutes of crime.

Perhaps most strangely, is that the theives seem to have forgotten about the spare tire, as the body of the RAM is now resting on it. As they are likely not the not the brightest bulbs in the box, this tire would have been very easy to remove and also would have made the scenario look like a simple tire change if someone saw them stealing.