White Supremacist Posters Posted around Westover Park

July 10, 2023 by 1 Comment

This weekend sadly saw an influx of white supremacist posters around the Westover Park area of Harrisonburg. These posters read: “One nation against invasions” and were the work of the infamous group, Patriot Front. Although this group isn’t the biggest, its presence has been growing this year and recently a group even crashed an LGBT celebration in Alabama.

Unsurprisingly, these posters were not met with kindness from the people of Harrisonburg and they were universally criticized en masse. At the same time, you can see how people would see this material as a source of concern.

According to the photographer of the above image, they found several dotted around the park and had proceeded to remove them by hand. They also claimed to have filed a police report after providing evidence. This prompted one person to write: “Horrific to see this in our city.” while another claimed, “I hate to think of how many people in the area would not be against this garbage, but have faith that more citizens have a better sense of humanity.”

And, although this sight is depressing, others claimed that it could merely be the work of a local, lone wolf rather than an organized group. Regardless, it shows a worrying growth of white supremacy that is often falsely attributed to patriotism in the Harrisonburg area.

One Reply to “White Supremacist Posters Posted around Westover Park”

  1. Edward Lee Steele says:

    Oh I am sorry but if you come to this country illegally then you are invading this country. what part of Illegall do you not understand. why dont we just open our boarders up and let antone come to this country. In 25 years it will be a third world nation anyway!!!!!