WILD Motorbike Driver Dances with Death on San Antonio Freeway

July 5, 2023 by No Comments

In footage uploaded to the popular website Reddit, dashcam footage showed a wild motorbike driver dangerously weaving in and out of traffic at a very high speed. This took place last night in San Antonio, and the driver filming it was less than impressed.

According to the person filming it, this was a pretty regular occurrence in San Antonio – as they wrote: “I swear 80% of the motorcyclists I’ve seen in SA are especially unsafe and doing stupid stuff like driving without lights on and weaving through traffic.”

While we can’t quite make out the speed of the biker, it looks like it could easily have been 80 MPH which means if they got clipped by a car then they could have easily died. This is even more likely considering the reckless nature of their driving.

This prompted a comment that said the following: “I’ve lost 4 friends due to motorcycle accidents. Unfortunately, all of them were at fault as well. I wish both sides would be more observant. I am almost at the point of thinking they shouldn’t be allowed on highways. It’s probably not realistic or fair. Just tired of having friends die on them.”

Sadly, the comments featured are all too common, and San Antonio does seem to have a high number of dangerous drivers on bikes. And, while it’s bad to drive poorly in a car, it’s far riskier when driving poorly on a bike which makes it even worse.