Woman sleeping in PDX airport arrested for kicking cop in the genitals

July 29, 2023 by No Comments

A woman identified as Mariia Golovanova was apprehended at Portland International Airport after being discovered asleep in the terminal. According to court records, when two Port of Portland Police officers woke her and asked her to leave, she responded with profanity and aggression.

She attempted to strike one officer and successfully spat on him, later kicking him in a sensitive area, causing considerable pain. Subsequently, she also kicked another officer who arrived at the scene, causing him significant discomfort.

While the officers attempted to take her into custody, Golovanova inflicted pain on one of them by twisting his fingers. As a result of her actions, she faced multiple charges, including three counts of assaulting public safety officers, aggravated harassment, and resisting arrest.

Since the incident, it is unknown whether the woman in question was a rough sleeper who moved into the airport, or whether she was just a volatile plane passenger. Nonetheless, it goes without saying that this behavior is not acceptable and now it looks as though she will be facing the wrath of the law. Regardless of your status however, violent actions will always carry consequences.

Following her initial hearing, she was released on pretrial monitoring, but failed to comply, leading to her rearrest on July 17. She was then granted another pretrial release.
