You won’t BELIEVE the price it costs to rent this tent in someone’s back yard

June 29, 2023 by No Comments

Although rent prices may be rising in Seattle, some people are truly taking this to the extreme. This could be seen in a cheeky attempt to rent out a tent in a backyard for $2,229 per month. The picture was taken from AirBnB and was universally mocked on social media. According to the advert, this price would get you a tent in their back yard, access to their hot tub, free parking and “the best dog in Seattle.”

It also described the experience as ‘Glamping’ which is a bit of a stretch, as it didn’t really look like glamorous camping which is where the term originates from. Strangely, it also includes a ‘half bath’, which someone mockingly claimed was access to the garden hose.

What’s more odd about this advert is that it also goes against the terms and conditions of AirBnB, while others claimed that this sort of living arrangement wasn’t legal in Seattle either. This issue was raised by one local who was pretty annoyed by the arrangement and claimed, “Honestly, someone should sue and take this up the courts so a tent can be declared “unfit as a dwelling”. If you can’t rent a tent and charge for living there, then what are the tent dwellers on public streets doing? How can a tent be unfit for habitation on private property, even at the behest of the property owner but it suddenly changes when you’re on the street?”

Overall, it would be very surprising to see if this advert converted to any renters. In fact, it would be equally surprising to see if this advert remained on AirBnB given the context. Sadly, this is a reflection on the current housing market in Seattle. Having said this, even though rent is sky high – there’s a plethora of better deals out there than this.