Youtuber visits Portland and asks “What happened to this place?” Regarding Homeless Crisis

May 15, 2023 by 8 Comments

In a recent Youtube video uploaded by the channel ‘Hoodtime'”‘, an 11 minute clip showed the homeless crisis in Portland which was also titled “What happened to this place?” Here, the Youtuber seemingly drove around Portland and filmed various homeless settlements that showed tents, garbage, and various people on drugs.

It also showed boarded-up houses and went from the suburbs to the city center. This last part may be surprising to out-of-towners, as it’s not just the city sidewalk that has homeless camps. These days, it’s also spread to the suburbs and as seen in the video, there are literally homeless people sleeping meters away from people’s front lawns.

In short, many of the comments agreed with the sentiment of the video, with one of the top ones writing, “We drove through California to Seattle about a year ago. San Francisco was beautiful but had a homeless issue, but the charm of the town was still there. Not so with Portland. Downtown Portland was a nightmare. Other than one big bookstore downtown there’s no reason to look around. Every street meant jumping from one side of the street to the other to avoid the homeless camps. Very tiring.”

This shows that Portland’s growing homeless crisis has no real end in sight and is in desperate need of attention before the entire city is swallowed into oblivion.

8 Replies to “Youtuber visits Portland and asks “What happened to this place?” Regarding Homeless Crisis”

  1. Shelly says:

    TALK, TALK, that’s all it’s been.
    It’s nice to try to help people down on their luck.
    I know I am one or was one down on my luck till a couple months ago

    I lived with my mother she passed and I had to go to a shelter to stay for about 7 months.
    Then I got my apartment
    I put in effort to find a place, you see a lot of those homeless don’t care.
    They don’t like rules.
    They don’t want to stop drinking or doing drugs.
    I feel for some but not all.

    1. Sismai says:

      Not everyone who lives on the street is a drug addict. Unfortunately, sometimes things don’t go well
      some lose their homes and jobs
      we cannot ensure that all are drug addicts

  2. Beth hart says:

    They will tell you to your face they choose the drugs over family or a job- this life is a choice for many . They’re mean and dangerous and trash everywhere. The ones that want help can get it. Yes it takes initiative and I see resources wasted while those that can stay functional don’t get enough. I won’t let my children come visit me here anymore, I live in a once good area, Woodstock but it’s definitely making inroads as we have two new encampments one next to a family restaurant ( partially there entrance) and this right after a huge one was cleared out. Men expose themselves publicly, and the smell of feces far overcomes the roses

    1. Tyrone Thomas says:

      I hate to say it but I also been out on the streets for 12 years in Portland right after getting out to prison in 2011 off and on ever since. It is an effort and a choice as this person says. They need to put a regulatory body that at least makes the people that want to make that choice and put the effort at the top of the list for resources! But what resources? Portland Oregon resources for homeless… Negative

  3. Lizz says:

    I agree to many it’s a choice but not to everyone people that have been homeless for 2+ years such as myself I have asked for help by many and still homeless today I have been out here for almost 10 years

  4. Give it time the drug will reach the area if hasn’t already , which will add to the look of this horrible place that seems to insulated are whole nation with in a years time. We all thought that merh was bad and them came the hermon come back and we thought it couldn’t get worse and though the smoke and carnage of what these drugs were doing there were short flings with the face earring bath salts and kids passed out on the side walks from smoking spice. Now we are dealing with something that is far from over and hasn’t even gotten close to showing its over all power. God help us all iys going to be hell on earth were the dead are living and we will be fighting off the living dead.

  5. Gizelle says:

    Portland didn’t have this bad of a homeless problem until other States and cities started sending homeless people to Portland because Portland had all kind of program’s and agencies to help the homeless. Then when funding got cut off for these program’s and agencies these states and cities still send their homeless to Portland so Portland needs help from these states and cities for sending their homeless to Portlan.