Zesty Broccoli Kale Salad with Orange Ginger Dressing

January 2, 2023 by No Comments

One of my favorite things about eating lots of vegetables is that you can eat so many of them, with basically zero consequences.

A little background: I don’t know where or why this came from – some of it is definitely my habit of running long distances, but it’s even when I’m not working out that much. I am just a very hungry person. Unless I’m sick, I will basically never skip a meal. In fact, I’ll eat big meals, three times a day, plus snacks. I finish other people’s food when we are out. I will literally never order the “half” portion of something at a restaurant. Unless it’s half a pizza and I’m not sharing.

As I’m writing this, in fact, I’m thinking about how starving I am. It’s 4:30 :/ Thanks, half marathon training.

All that is to say, I love eating vegetables because they taste good, are healthy, are environmentally friendly, etc., but ALSO because I love that I can eat so much of them, volume wise. Ha. If I ate the same volume of pizza that I do of vegetables, I might regret that later.

I made this salad for a post-run lunch over the holidays. It made about 6-7 cups of salad, and we *polished* it off in no time. It turned out great! Crunchy, fresh, tangy and filling. And, a tiny bit of spice, thanks to some Bee Local Hot Honey (use with care! It’s VERY awesomely spicy).I think we’ll definitely be making this more often. I *love* a good crunchy salad. And as discussed earlier, I love eating large quantities

Shaved Broccoli Kale Salad with Zingy Orange Ginger Dressing


  • 2 cups shredded kale
  • 2 cups shaved broccoli
  • 1 carrot, shaved into super thin slices
  • 3/4 cup cooked chickpeas (canned are fine!)
  • 2 Tbsp. currants or raisins
  • 1 1/2 tbsp. fresh chopped mint
  • 1 1/2 tbsp. fresh chopped cilantro
  • For the dressing:
  • 3/4 cup plain Greek yogurt
  • Juice of 1 orange
  • 1 tsp. freshly grated ginger
  • 2 Tbsp. best quality olive oil (recommended: Red Ridge Farms)
  • 1/2 tsp. Bee Local Hot Honey (sub: regular honey + a couple dashes of sriracha)
  • Generous pinch of salt
  • Freshly ground black pepper


  1. Use a mandoline for best results with the shaved broccoli and carrot.
  2. Massage kale for about a minute, then add to a large bowl with the broccoli, carrot, currants/raisins, mint and cilantro.
  3. In a separate bowl, whisk together the yogurt, orange juice, olive oil, and honey. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
  4. Toss ALL of the dressing mixture with the salad in the large bowl. Season (yes, again) with salt and enjoy!