Disgruntled PSU students criticize Christian Preachers on social media

May 7, 2023 by 8 Comments

For many years, Portland State University has had a vibrant, colorful campus that is made up of various characters. One small group includes a few Christians who are often found near Cramer Hall. These typically wear black clothing and quietly hand out religious books without really making much fuss.

However, more recently – there has been a louder, more confrontational contingent of Christian preachers who have entered the campus. This has led to disgruntled students to criticize their practices on social media.

Here, one student said “The “Christians” who in years past have been verbally abusive to students are on campus — not the same guys as last year but they’re just as loud and annoying. I wonder when they’ll find out it’s finals week. I am talking about the two men who come on campus from time to time with microphones and signs about abortion, and “why” we need Jesus.”

This led to other students giving their opinions, which included:
“YES I wish we could create a petition to get these people banned from campus. You shouldn’t be allowed to use a microphone and yell at students, like ?????”

“Sick of these people. This kind of behavior is incredibly exhausting.”

“If you ignore them, they get bored and go away. Yelling at them feeds into their persecution fantasy.”

So, what are your thoughts on this issue? On the one hand, it does sound like these preachers are genuinely annoying, and most students aren’t really liking their presence. On the other hand, it isn’t a crime to practice their religious beliefs, which has been a part of US culture and law for centuries now.

8 Replies to “Disgruntled PSU students criticize Christian Preachers on social media”

  1. Fiona says:

    In Oregon, schools are considered “noise sensitive property”. Although it’s not illegal to practice your religion, the noise level at which these groups are engaging may be considered disturbing the peace under these circumstances. 14A.30.010 Unlawful Noise Disturbance states, “it is unlawful to make any excessive, unreasonable, or unusually loud sound which disturbs the peace and quiet of any neighborhood or which injures or endangers the comfort, repose, health, peace, or safety of any person”. Considering that there has been an increasing number of students complaining about this issue, it would seem that these activities are infringing on the quality of life of students on campus. The campus is a place that people go to study and it is very difficult to concentrate with excessive, amplified noise. The university enriches our community. The students are investments in our community. These complaints should be taken seriously. Compromise may look like controlling the noise level or if the group will not comply, asking them to relocate to a more suitable area for that level of noise.

    1. Allison says:

      I agree. You don’t need to be loud to make your point. In fact all you do when being loud is offend people no matter what the subject is.

  2. Brenda says:

    Religious zealotry is the cause of many wars

  3. Mary says:

    A true Christian wouldn’t do some of those things
    I only talk to people who show an interest. I don’t push it on them.
    Jesus never was pushy like that either. either.

  4. Jim c says:

    People of all persuasions should be free to voice
    their thoughts in public even if it is uncomfortable to some. However doing so in
    A manner that disrupts the workplace defeats the purpose of any message as does any form of physical Violence.

  5. Sis says:

    Go preach somewhere else! Simple as that!

  6. C.S.Andrews says:

    As a Teenager I was injured..My situation was covered up..Later on I was seriously reinjured.. Conservative Christians hurt truth seekers by trying to control outcomes!!