Video shows HEATED trans debate on PSU Campus

May 15, 2023 by No Comments

This week saw a video uploaded to Youtube which was titled, ‘Fight of the year: James Klug vs Trans Activists at Portland State’ – Here, it showed a reporter named James Klug going on to PSU campus with a microphone and debate students, whilst standing next to a man wearing a sign that read “Children cannot consent to puberty blockers.” As you can imagine, this led to some fierce debate and quite a lot of anger was directed to Krug and his team.

Overall, we won’t repeat the language as there were a few curse words said, and one even claimed “You should go to i5 and play on the freeway” which summed up the student hate for Krug. This was a segment on the Prime Time with Alex Stein show and the full 4 minute clip can be viewed below:

Now, here’s our own take on things. Obviously, this issue is very sensitive and there are a lot of points from both sides. Having said this, it’s a bit of an easy target to go on campus with inflammatory signs with the intention of angering students. In other words, whether you agree with Krug or not – the entire video just seemed like a bit of a cheap shot that was based on sensationalism rather than genuine journalism.

However, let us know in the comments what you think of the video. Did it go too far, was it lame – or did it not go far enough?